
Jurassic park ringtone
Jurassic park ringtone

jurassic park ringtone

IIRC, somewhere in the movie the son of the man whose phone it is (the target of a rescue mission) refers to it as the jingle for his dad’s store. Was it actually a default ring tone for a Nokia phone at one point? I read or heard that somewhere but I’ve never, ever had a Nokia, and all the searches I’ve done on this just turn up links to download the ring tone to a current cell phone (or a vid clip of the scene where the phone’s ringing from within the belly of the beast). When I first saw the movie in the theater, the melody seemed familiar but it was really the timbre of the phone ringing that established it as a typical cell phone of the time (before phones could play full on MP3 music files and such).

jurassic park ringtone jurassic park ringtone

You know… The one the satellite phone rings with while it’s in the dinosaur’s belly?

Jurassic park ringtone